Introduction to Python

a logo of Python language

Topic 1 : Getting Started with Python

a picture of programming in Python language

Lesson 1 : Writing Code

"Python is one of the most popular and useful languages used to give instructions to


- Simple Syntax : print(" ")

print("level up")
print("order shipped")
  • The print() instruction requires the use of parenthesis around the message

  • Make sure you use quotation marks around the text messages

  • Numbers don't require quotation marks


Lesson 2 : Memory & Variables

  • Computer programs use variables to remember important information

  • To create a variable , you need to give it a name

item = "bike"
  • Name is on left

  • Information is on right with both connected with an equal sign( \= )

item = "watch"

above code :

  1. item is name of the variable

  2. "watch" is value stored

    both connected with \= sign

city = "London"

'you can think of a variable as a box that contains some information'

Lesson 3 : Text Data

"A large amount of information out there consist of text. A piece of text is called a string"

  • Strings in Python need to be surrounded by quotation marks.
"The lords of the rings"
'hello world'

"we use quotation marks to tell Python that we are working with a piece of text data"

  • strings can be stored in variables.
company = " apple "
name = 'Bill Gates'
status = "I am learning Python at this point of time"
book = 'The classical physics'

Note : In Python , both single ' and double " quotes can be used to define strings , but both should be matched as above example.

  • The code in computer programs is made of statements. Statements are the instructions for the computer to follow.Real programs can contain thousands of statements.
book = " Harry Potter"
author = "J.K Rowling"
car = 'Tesla'
month = 'June'

above code example contains 4 statements

Question : What's the instruction below code is giving to the computer ?

country = 'Iceland'

answer : to create a variable

Lesson 4 : Numerical Data

"Numerical data is information that comes in the form of numbers "

  • numerical values can be directly stored in variables.
population = 2500
attendence = 45
price = 30
  • numerical data should not be in quotation marks
#below variable is right
points = 500

#can't write as given below
points = "500"
  • in above example numerical data with quotation marks will be treated as string**.**

  • you can send the number to the screen with the print() statement , just need to insert the numbers between the parentheses.


We can perform math operations with numbers . Each print() instruction will add a value to the screen in a new line.

print(7 + 3)
print(10 - 5)
print(5 * 3)
print( 10 / 2)

  • Submission +

  • Subtraction -

  • Multiplication *

  • Division /

Lesson 5 : Working with Variables

" Variables are key to software development. They allow you store , lebel and play with data"

#Storing string in the variable

size = " medium"
phone = " iphone"

#Storing number in the variable 

age = 34
price = 150
matches = 100
  • You can access the value stored in a variable by calling its name.
#the console will print 150
price = 150

#the screen will show 30

budget = 20
print(budget + 10)

#screen will show 15

price = 5
amount = 3
print(price* amount)

#screen will show 15

score = 7+8
  • You can update the value stored in a variable . The variable will forget the previously stored value .
price = 99
price = 100

#console will display 100 not 99
  • Updating the value of a variable is called Reassigning a variable
#example of Reassigning a variable

points = 35
points = 45
print(points)       #console will print 45

name = "tom"
level = 14
print(name)        #tom will be printed
level = level + 1
print(level)       # 15 will be printed

"Thanks for Reading 😊😊😊"

“In this post, we explored Getting Started with Python in Python programming. In my upcoming posts, I will be diving deeper into other important topics such as

▶️ Going Deeper with Python

▶️ Working with Data

▶️ Control Flow

▶️ Working with Lists

▶️ Functions

Stay tuned for more informative and engaging content on Python programming!”🚨🚨🚨